Sunday, March 7, 2010 and use promo code CC123607.

Recently, I was granted a position to work for as a Chegg Champions and I have to say it is a very cool job. Its available to all college students, it's your basic application. You send it in and then are alerted by email whether or not you have the position. With the position you basically promote It's a blend of buzz marketing and guerilla marketing techniques. And the best part is it is honest information about a company that is there to help save students money as well has have them earn it.

I post all over facebook, I tweet and currently blog about the praises of Chegg to everyone. However, I dont believe people understand the value of this website. With you can save more money then you could if you purchased your books at your college bookstore. An example is I am taking a Stats class this tri and with that I have to purchase a 150 dollar textbook, I understand I will be in this class for about 11 weeks. However, is the text it self worth that much? I looked in to renting the book on and i am looking to save about 110 on renting the text book rather then purchasing it. And when the class is over with I can simply just use the box it came it to ship it back for free via UPS. also buys textbooks from students, you can gain an additional 5 dollars when using the code CC123607, its the same code I use to save with.

Anywoo, lets see how the flyers and the wam bam thank you maam technique works for me. Lets see how many people I can get t educate on the powers of

Don’t forget to visit and use promo code CC123607.


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